Bobby Shmurda’s associate cusses judge out and then gets 130 years sentence

Bobby Shmurda’s associate cusses judge out and then gets 130 years sentence

Santino Boderick who is a co-defendant to incacerated rapper Bobby Shmurda in a Brooklyn gang conspiracy murder case has gotten over a century’s worth of sentencing but not before cussing out the judge who handed him the sentencing.
23 year old Boderick while appearing in court began to yell profanities at the judge, saying things like “F**k you!”and “suck my d**k”.The presiding judge Abraham Clott had to have him removed from the court before handing him a sentence which will last between 117.5 to 130 years for 20 felonies which includes several gang-related shootings and conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder and possession of a weapon.
Bobby Shmurda who is the head of the GS9 gang alleged to be the brains behind several crimes got a 7 year jail term in 2016

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