News: Current Issue Between the United State and North Korea could this be A Sign of WWIII

Kim Jong-un’s state media has warned of a “super-might preemptive strike” against the US in the latest round in an ongoing war of words
Kim Jong-un’s state media has warned of a “super-might preemptive strike” against the US in the latest round in an ongoing war of words

The US is trying to bring the dictator in line over nuclear missile tests
The US is trying to bring the dictator in line over nuclear missile tests

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded by pledging to find a way to pressure North Korea into stepping down
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded by pledging to find a way to pressure North Korea into stepping down

With all that has been going on between the United State and the North Korea is this a sign of What Has happened or what is About to?

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